• Work Time

    Mon - Thu 8 AM - 4 PM
    Fri 8 AM - 3:30 PM
  • Address

    Winding Way, Salisbury,
    Wiltshire,SP2 9DY

PSHE Association Programme of Study for Online Safety

By the end of our pupils’ time with us in Year 6 they will have developed knowledge, skills, attitudes and understanding through exploring:


Health & Wellbeing: Keeping Safe

H37. reasons for following and complying with regulations and restrictions
(including age restrictions); how they promote personal safety and wellbeing with
reference to social media, television programmes, films, games and online gaming
H38. how to predict, assess and manage risk in different situations

H42. about the importance of keeping personal information private; strategies for
keeping safe online, including how to manage requests for personal information
or images of themselves and others; what to do if frightened or worried by
something seen or read online and how to report concerns, inappropriate content
and contact


Relationships: Families & Close Personal Relationships

R1. to recognise that there are different types of relationships (e.g. friendships,
family relationships, romantic relationships, online relationships)



R11. what constitutes a positive healthy friendship (e.g. mutual respect, trust,
truthfulness, loyalty, kindness, generosity, sharing interests and experiences,
support with problems and difficulties); that the same principles apply to online
friendships as to face-to-face relationships
R12. to recognise what it means to ‘know someone online’ and how this differs
from knowing someone face-to-face; risks of communicating online with others
not known face-to-face

R15. strategies for recognising and managing peer influence and a desire for peer
approval in friendships; to recognise the effect of online actions on others

R18. to recognise if a friendship (online or offline) is making them feel unsafe or
uncomfortable; how to manage this and ask for support if necessary


Managing hurtful behaviour & bullying

R19. about the impact of bullying, including offline and online, and the
consequences of hurtful behaviour
R20. strategies to respond to hurtful behaviour experienced or witnessed, offline
and online (including teasing, name-calling, bullying, trolling, harassment or the
deliberate excluding of others); how to report concerns and get support


Safe Relationships

R22. about privacy and personal boundaries; what is appropriate in friendships
and wider relationships (including online);
R23. about why someone may behave differently online, including pretending to
be someone they are not; strategies for recognising risks, harmful content and
contact; how to report concerns
R24. how to respond safely and appropriately to adults they may encounter (in all
contexts including online) whom they do not know

R29. where to get advice and report concerns if worried about their own or
someone else’s personal safety (including online)


Respecting Self & Others

R30. that personal behaviour can affect other people; to recognise and model
respectful behaviour online
R31. to recognise the importance of self-respect and how this can affect their
thoughts and feelings about themselves; that everyone, including them, should
expect to be treated politely and with respect by others (including when online
and/or anonymous) in school and in wider society; strategies to improve or
support courteous, respectful relationships


Living in the Wider World: Media Literacy & Digital Resilience

L11. recognise ways in which the internet and social media can be used both
positively and negatively
L12. how to assess the reliability of sources of information online; and how to
make safe, reliable choices from search results
L13. about some of the different ways information and data is shared and used
online, including for commercial purposes
L14. about how information on the internet is ranked, selected and targeted at
specific individuals and groups; that connected devices can share information
L15. recognise things appropriate to share and things that should not be shared
on social media; rules surrounding distribution of images
L16. about how text and images in the media and on social media can be
manipulated or invented; strategies to evaluate the reliability of sources and
identify misinformation